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The Accessible Content Working Group is a cross-campus group of technology accessibility advocates striving to build educational resources and awareness for campus. This joint effort includes:

The Accessible Content Working Group is creating simple resources to introduce technology accessibility concepts on campus.

Check out the two-sided cards below, one introducing Alt Text and the other Color Contrast. Request physical copies of the cards to distribute or post in your department by emailing us at

Mona Lisa painting with 3 hover-over style text blocks, one showing an image file name and a red X, one showing a green check and text stating "The Mona Lisa painting" and one showing 2 green checks stating "The Mona Lisa - painting of a seated woman faintly smiling.
Text shown on back of alt text card is given below.

Good ALT TEXT enables you to share the intended contextualized message of your image with a broader audience, including those who can’t see the image. Poor or missing alt text does not convey the meaning of the image. A joint effort by the Accessible Content Working Group, Technology Accessibility Program, ACCESSIBILITY.WFU.EDU.

A red stripe next to the word BAD on a poorly contrasting background, yellow stripe next to the word BETTER on a better contrasting background, green stripe next to the word BEST in high contrast to its white background.
Text shown on back of color contrast card is given below.

Good COLOR CONTRAST helps you improve text legibility for your audience, including those with low vision or color deficiency. Ensure sufficient contrast between your foreground and background. A joint effort by the Accessible Content Working Group, Technology Accessibility Program, ACCESSIBILITY.WFU.EDU.

Special thanks to Emily Gregg, IS Digital Media Specialist, for her graphic design expertise.

Submit Feedback

Accessibility of technology and digital content is an ongoing process, and we’re always open to learning about new ideas or ways to improve how we’re doing. Report accessibility challenges encountered on this page or send us general feedback.

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