IS Technology Accessibility Team

As campus engagement increasingly includes digital mediums, the IS Technology Accessibility Team works to advance the Technology Accessibility Program and provides support and consultation for Wake Forest community members on technology accessibility.
We facilitate annual events that add an element of fun and discovery to exploring concepts of accessibility, like the #NoMouse Challenge in February. We offer training on a wide variety of topics such as do-it-yourself captioning, essentials of instructional accessibility, and how to make your documents and social media posts more accessible. We also continually build more content into a library of online accessibility resources for Wake Forest. Check out the A11Y Audio series and the Technology Accessibility Glossary to get a quick introduction to accessibility concepts, or dig into resources like how to enhance the accessibility of your virtual meetings, Google Docs, Google Slides, and more!
The IS Technology Accessibility Team is available to faculty and staff for consultation on accessibility best practices and resources. Contact to discuss how we can support your work!
Team members
Eudora Struble
Director, Technology Accessibility
Information Systems

Jonathan Milam
Technology Accessibility Support Analyst
Information Systems

The Technology Accessibility Team is part of Information Systems. IS offers many resources and support on accessibility and so much more!
Find additional accessibility resources in the IS AskDeac Knowledge Base, such as for Content Creators and Web Developers to help ensure your digital content is available to the broadest audience possible!
Information Systems offers many additional services to students, faculty, and staff from academic and administrative software applications, to physical computing devices, as well as comprehensive training and support resources. IS also provides Multimedia & Cable TV services, and complete indoor and outdoor internet connectivity coverage! Learn more by visiting the official Information Systems home page.
Submit Feedback
Accessibility of technology and digital content is an ongoing process, and we’re always open to learning about new ideas or ways to improve how we’re doing. Report accessibility challenges encountered on this page or send us general feedback.